My Time in the USA with Apex Social - Speech Therapist Lilli shares her experience

"Without bravery, you will never know the world as richly as it longs to be known. Without bravery, your life will remain small – far smaller than you probably wanted your life to be." – Elizabeth Gilbert

Honestly, I'm not quite sure where to begin with the story of my time in the United States with Apex Social; there's so much to say... perhaps it would be good if I briefly introduce myself so you can get to know me a little better.

From Studying Speech Therapy in Germany to the USA

My name is Lilli, I'm 23 years old, and I currently live in Darien, Connecticut – with my host family, of course. In 2018, I began my studies in speech therapy, and at the end of 2020, Apex Social entered my life. I knew from the very first moment that this is what I wanted to do after my studies: go abroad to grow personally and professionally. And now, here I am, and my first year of this incredible journey is almost over... I can hardly believe it!

It's not always easy to be so far away from family and friends in your home country, but...

…I believe that the decision to step out of my comfort zone and work in the United States as an Apex Care Professional is one of the best things I've ever done in my life. I am so grateful for the help and support of the fantastic Apex team, with whom I created my profile, spoke to different families in the USA, met my current host family, and started this project on June 14, 2022. But even here in the USA, you're not left alone. It's not always easy to be so far away from family and friends in your home country, but luckily, there's a great Apex team and many wonderful caregivers nearby to support you and make your time here unforgettable.

That all sounds good, but what has she been doing for the past 10 months?

And now you're probably thinking: That all sounds good, but what has she been doing for the past 10 months? I could write a whole book about the experiences I've had, but to sum it up: I've met wonderful people, gained insights into American culture, acquired new knowledge, traveled a lot, tried new things, made friends for life, and learned a lot about myself. Most importantly: Be Brave – Be courageous!

PS: If my words haven't convinced you yet, take a look at the photos I've taken during my travels below.


Nurse Leander as a European Care Professional in the US with Apex Social